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Today's Flowers
Thanks to Mr. Luiz Santilli for inviting me to be a guest friend on Today’s Flowers site. I am also thankful to Denise, Sandy and Laerte of his team for this beautiful meme. I am very glad and honored to be a part of this friendly meme, full of plants and flowers .
Sarracenia spp.
Sarracenia és un gènere de plantes amb flors que comprèn de 8 a 11 espècies de plantes carnívores natives d'Amèrica del Nord. El gènere pertany a la família Sarraceniaceae, que també conté els gèneres Darlingtonia i Heliamphora.
Sarracenia són plantes carnívores indígenes de l'est de Texas, àrea dels Grans Llacs i sud-est del Canadà, amb la majoria creixent al sud-est dels Estats Units (només S. purpurea neix en regions amb temperatures temperades). Les fulles de les plantes formen un túnel per atrapar insectes i produeixen enzims per digerir la seva presa. Els insectes són atrets per la secreció de nèctar i una combinació d'olors i colors.
Sarracenia is a genus comprising 8 to 11 species of North American pitcher plants. The genus belongs to the family Sarraceniaceae, which also contain the closely allied genera Darlingtonia and Heliamphora.
Sarracenia is a genus of carnivorous plants indigenous to the eastern seaboard, Texas, the Great Lakes area and southeastern Canada, with most species occurring only in the south-east United States (only S. purpurea occurs in cold-temperate regions). The plant's leaves have evolved into a funnel in order to trap insects, digesting their prey with proteases and other enzymes.
The insects are attracted by a nectar-like secretion on the lip of pitchers, as well as a combination of color and scent. Slippery footing at the pitchers' rim, aided in at least one species by a narcotic drug lacing the nectar, causes insects to fall inside, where they die and are digested by the plant as a nutrient source.
Sarracenia són plantes carnívores indígenes de l'est de Texas, àrea dels Grans Llacs i sud-est del Canadà, amb la majoria creixent al sud-est dels Estats Units (només S. purpurea neix en regions amb temperatures temperades). Les fulles de les plantes formen un túnel per atrapar insectes i produeixen enzims per digerir la seva presa. Els insectes són atrets per la secreció de nèctar i una combinació d'olors i colors.
Sarracenia is a genus comprising 8 to 11 species of North American pitcher plants. The genus belongs to the family Sarraceniaceae, which also contain the closely allied genera Darlingtonia and Heliamphora.
Sarracenia is a genus of carnivorous plants indigenous to the eastern seaboard, Texas, the Great Lakes area and southeastern Canada, with most species occurring only in the south-east United States (only S. purpurea occurs in cold-temperate regions). The plant's leaves have evolved into a funnel in order to trap insects, digesting their prey with proteases and other enzymes.
The insects are attracted by a nectar-like secretion on the lip of pitchers, as well as a combination of color and scent. Slippery footing at the pitchers' rim, aided in at least one species by a narcotic drug lacing the nectar, causes insects to fall inside, where they die and are digested by the plant as a nutrient source.
Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise,Laerte and Sandy.
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