ABC Wednesday "R" is for Russelia equisetiformis
My World Tuesday
Casa Vicens (Antoni Gaudí) Barcelona
La Casa Vicens és un edifici modernista i primer projecte important de l'arquitecte Antoni Gaudí l'any 1883. Està situat al carrer Carolines, número 24 del barri de Gràcia de Barcelona.
Construïda entre 1883 i 1888, la casa Manuel Vicens i Montaner és un projecte molt imaginatiu encarregat per a una família benestant propietària d'una fabrica de ceràmica. Això es manifesta a la façana que té una decoració basada en la rajola. Està estructurada en quatre nivells, corresponents a un soterrani per al celler, dues plantes per l'habitatge i unes golfes destinades al servei.
Gaudí va enganxar l'immoble a la mitjancera d'un convent veí i així va aconseguir un jardí gran i espaiós. Per a l'altre costat del jardí, va dissenyar una font monumental d'obra vista, formada per un arc parabòlic a sobre del qual hi havia un pas entre columnes. L'aigua s'emmagatzemava en dos dipòsits col·locats dalt de cada pilar extrem de la font. El 1946 va ser demolida per la venda d'aquesta part del terreny.
Gaudí es troba en el seu primer període on utilitza un llenguatge arquitectònic de gran simplicitat constructiva, amb el predomini de la línia recta sobre de la corba.
L'any 1925, l'arquitecte Joan Baptista Serra va realitzar una ampliació de l'edifici a imatge del que havia fet Gaudí. Per aquestes obres, va merèixer el premi del Concurs anual d'edificis artístics de l'any 1927, concedit per l'Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Casa Vicens is a modernist building and first major project of the architect Antoni Gaudí in 1883. Located at Caroline Street, number 24 of the Gracia district of Barcelona.
Built between 1883 and 1888, the house Manuel Vicens i Montaner is a very imaginative project commissioned by a wealthy family owned a ceramics factory. This is reflected in the facade is decorated based on the tile. It is structured on four levels, corresponding to an underground cellar, two floors and an attic for housing intended to serve.
Gaudi was hooked to the building of a convent mediating neighbor and thus got a large garden and spacious. To the other side of the garden, designed a fountain of brick, consisting of a parabolic arch on which there was a passage between columns. Water stored in two tanks placed above each pillar end of the video. In 1946 it was demolished by the sale of this part of the land.
Gaudi is in his first term which uses an architectural language of great simplicity, with the predominance of the straight line above the curve.
In 1925, the architect Juan Bautista Sierra made an extension of the building that had a picture of Gaudi. For these works, won the annual prize contest of artistic buildings in 1927, awarded by the City Coun
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My World Tuesday
Weekend Reflections # 60
Ciutat de les Arts i de les Ciències
City of Arts and Sciences
City of Arts and Sciences
Weekend Reflections is hosted each weekend by James
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Weekend Reflections
Sky Watch Friday,Season 4, Episode 18
La sortida del sol
Thanks to, Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and Sylvia for hosting Skywatch Friday Team
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Skywatch Friday
My World Tuesday
Casa dels paraigües
House of Umbrellas
House of Umbrellas
L’any 1883 l'arquitecte Josep Vilaseca es va fer càrrec de la reforma de la Casa Bruno Cuadros i de la botiga de paraigües de la planta baixa. Eren els anys previs a l'Exposició Universal de 1888, i Barcelona no parava de créixer: aquí i allà es construïen obres interessants. El modernisme començava a agafar empenta i amb ell, el gust per les decoracions orientals. La Casa Bruno Cuadros de Barcelona, anomenada popularment "Casa dels paraigües", n'és un exemple.
It was 1883 when the architect Josep Vilaseca undertook the refurbishment of the Casa Bruno Cuadros and the umbrella shop on the ground floor. It was just a few years before the 1888 Universal Exhibition and Barcelona was in the throes of expansion, with interesting buildings being built all over the city. The Catalan home-grown art-nouveau movement, modernisme, was gaining momentum and, with it, the taste for Oriental decorations. The Casa Bruno Cuadros of Barcelona, known by locals as the Casa dels Paraigües (House of Umbrellas) is an example.
It was 1883 when the architect Josep Vilaseca undertook the refurbishment of the Casa Bruno Cuadros and the umbrella shop on the ground floor. It was just a few years before the 1888 Universal Exhibition and Barcelona was in the throes of expansion, with interesting buildings being built all over the city. The Catalan home-grown art-nouveau movement, modernisme, was gaining momentum and, with it, the taste for Oriental decorations. The Casa Bruno Cuadros of Barcelona, known by locals as the Casa dels Paraigües (House of Umbrellas) is an example.
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