My World Tuesday

Mercat de Nadal
Christmas Market

Checkpoint Charlie


Campanula medium 'Pink Glory'

Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise,Laerte and Sandy.

Scenic Sunday 123


Click here for more Scenic Sunday around the World

Scenic Sunday

Macro Flower Saturday 37 Flowers on Saturday *9*

Vanda sp.

Macro Flowers Saturday badge 3

Weekend Reflections # 61

Aeroport de Munic
Munich Airport

Weekend Reflections is hosted each weekend by James

Sky Watch Friday,Season 4, Episode 19

Sobre els núvols
Above the clouds

Thanks to, Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and Sylvia for hosting Skywatch Friday Team

Nature Notes

Patscherkofel Alpine Garden - Innsbruck - Austria

El Jardi Botànic més alt dels Alps a Europa
El jardin botànic cobreix un àrea de 1,5 ha. Aquest singular Jardí Alpí és a poca distància de l'estació superior d'esquí de Patscherkofel i té característiques de la flora alpina de tot el món (Amèrica, Himàlaia, Europa).
L'Edelweiss, la Genciana, la Primula auricula i moltes altres flors es poden admirar en aquest jardi.

The highest-lying Alpine Botanic Garden in Europe
Austria´s highest-lying botanical gardens cover the vast area of 1.5 ha. This unique Alpine Garden is set within easy walking distance from the Patscherkofel top terminal of ski and features Alpine flora from all over the world (America, Himalaya, Europe).
Edelweiss, Gentian, Primula auricula and many other flowers can be admired.

Thank you very much to Michelle for hosting this wonderful meme

Watery Wednesday #114

Pertisau am Achensee, Austria

Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Watery Wednesday