My World Tuesday

Jardí de cactàcies i suculentes
Cacti and succulents garden

Mossèn Costa i Llobera, Barcelona

La col·lecció que mostren els Jardins de Mossèn Costa i Llobera ha estat considerada una de les més importants del món en plantes suculentes. Classificacions a part, aquest jardí de plantes àrides i poc donades al coqueteig té la capacitat d'enlluernar el visitant amb la seva gran quantitat i varietat de cactus i plantes tropicals.

The collection presented by the Mossèn Costa i Llobera Gardens is considered one of the most important in the succulent plant world. Classifications aside, this garden of arid plants, little given to dalliance, has the capacity to dazzle the visitor with its great quantity and variety of cacti and tropical plants.

Macro Monday

Zantedeschia elliottiana cvs.
Calla elliottiana (W.Watson)
Richardia aurata Mottet

Today's Flowers Flamboyant - Flamboyant tree

Delonix regia
Synonyms:Poinciana regia Hook.
Delonix regia var. flavida Stehle

Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise,Laerte and Sandy.

Weekend Reflections # 68

Palau de la Música Catalana
Palace of Catalan Music

Weekend Reflections is hosted each weekend by James

Thursday's Food for Thoughts, season 1, episode 5

Mercat de la Boqueria
Boqueria Market

Gracias Rob por este meme, for more Food for Thoughts click here
Delonix regia

ABC Wednesday "W" is for Weigela Wollemia Washingtonia Wisteria Welwitschia

Weigela florida

Wollemia nobilis

Washingtonia robusta

Wisteria floribunda

Welwitschia mirabilis

Click here for more ABC Wednesday

My World Tuesday

Aparador d'una botiga amb objectes per el Nadal
A shop with items for Christmas

Scenic Sunday 127

Anhalter Banhof

Click here for more Scenic Sunday around the World

Scenic Sunday


Sedum spectabile

Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise,Laerte and Sandy.

Weekend Reflections # 65

Mirror reflections

Weekend Reflections is hosted each weekend by James

Thursday's Food for Thoughts, season 1, episode 2

Pastís de xocolata d'Oriol Balaguer
Chocolate cake by Oriol Balaguer

Gracias Rob por este meme, for more Food for Thoughts click here

Sky Watch Friday,Season 4, Episode 23

Thanks to, Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and Sylvia for hosting Skywatch Friday Team