

La rebotiga del Jardí Exòtic de Monaco
Behind the scenes of the Exotic Garden of Monaco

Cactàcies preparades per a ser mostrades en exhibicions de de jardins
Cacti ready for display in exhibitions gardens

ABC Wednesday "E" is for Erodium Episcia Euphorbia Euryops Erythrina Encephalartos Echinocactus Escholzia

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - February 2011

Erodium chamaedryoides

Episcia fulgens

Euphorbia characias subsp.wulfenii 'Lambrook Gold'

Euryops acraeus

Erythrina crista-galli

Encephalartos senticosus

Echinocactus grusonii

Escholzia californica

Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Blogger Bloom Day each month on the 15th

Catedral de Barcelona

La catedral compta amb un claustre gòtic on viuen tretze oques blanques (s'explica que Santa Eulàlia tenia tretze anys quan va ser executada i que pasturava oques en el seu predi de Sarrià, prop de la ciutat).

The Cathedral has a Gothic cloister where thirteen white geese live (it is said that Santa Eulalia was thirteen when she was executed and herding geese on their premises in Sarrià, near the city).

Weekend Reflections # 73

W Hotel Barcelona

Weekend Reflections is hosted each weekend by James

Sky Watch Friday

Veient el cel blau a través de les reixes
Seeing the blue sky through the bars

Thanks to, Klaus, Sandy, Wren, and Sylvia for hosting Skywatch Friday Team

Cafe Maelu, Munich