Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Watery Wednesday
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Illa de Formentera (Illes Balears)
Formentera Island (Balearic Islands)
Formentera Island (Balearic Islands)
Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Watery Wednesday
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Watery Wednesday
Lagunaria patersonii, Illa de Nolfork (Austràlia)
Arbre perennifoli de capçada piramidal i de color verd clar. Pot assolir els 10 m d’altura. L’escorça és grisenca i esquerdada longitudinalment. Les branques són suaument tomentoses. Les fulles són oblongues o lanceolades, amb el marge sencer, de 7-10 cm de llarg, de color verd fosc a l’anvers i lleugerament tomentoses al revers. Les fulles joves són de tonalitats més pàl·lides. Les flors són axil·lars, solitàries, de 3-5 cm de diàmetre amb el calze tomentós i la corol·la formada per 5 pètals rosats, recoberts. Els fruits en forma de càpsula allargada, dehiscent. Són tomentosos i secs i quan s’obrin mostren entre les llavors uns pèls que són irritants.
Pyramidal evergreen tree crown and light green. Can reach 10 m in height. The bark is gray and cracked longitudinally. The branches are softly hairy. The leaves are oblong or lanceolate, with entire margin, 7-10 cm long, dark green and slightly hairy al'anvers back. The young leaves are paler shades. The flowers are axillary, solitary, 3-5 cm in diameter with tomentós calyx and the corolla consists of 5 pink petals, covered. The fruit capsule elongated, Dehiscent. They are hairy and open when dry seeds are among the few hairs that are irritating.
Pyramidal evergreen tree crown and light green. Can reach 10 m in height. The bark is gray and cracked longitudinally. The branches are softly hairy. The leaves are oblong or lanceolate, with entire margin, 7-10 cm long, dark green and slightly hairy al'anvers back. The young leaves are paler shades. The flowers are axillary, solitary, 3-5 cm in diameter with tomentós calyx and the corolla consists of 5 pink petals, covered. The fruit capsule elongated, Dehiscent. They are hairy and open when dry seeds are among the few hairs that are irritating.
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Jardi Botànic
Plantes proteàcies de Sud Àfrica
Proteaceae plants of South Africa
Proteaceae plants of South Africa
Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise,Laerte and Sandy.
Les proteàcies (Proteaceae) són una família de Angiospermes de l'ordre Proteales. Consta de 80 gèneres i unes 2000 espècies, que es distribueixen per l'hemisferi sud, ocupant àrees d'origen Gondwana i els seus fragments. La major concentració de diversitat de tàxons es troba a Austràlia i Àfrica del Sud.
Proteaceae is a family of flowering plants. Mainly restricted to the Southern Hemisphere, it is a fairly large family, with around 80 genera but fewer than 2000 species. Together with the Platanaceae and Nelumbonaceae they make up the order Proteales.
Proteaceae are mainly a southern hemisphere family, with its main centres of diversity in Australia and South Africa. It also occurs in Central Africa, South and Central America, India, eastern and south-eastern Asia, and Oceania. Only two species are known from New Zealand although fossil pollen evidence suggests there were more previously.
Proteaceae is a family of flowering plants. Mainly restricted to the Southern Hemisphere, it is a fairly large family, with around 80 genera but fewer than 2000 species. Together with the Platanaceae and Nelumbonaceae they make up the order Proteales.
Proteaceae are mainly a southern hemisphere family, with its main centres of diversity in Australia and South Africa. It also occurs in Central Africa, South and Central America, India, eastern and south-eastern Asia, and Oceania. Only two species are known from New Zealand although fossil pollen evidence suggests there were more previously.
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Today's Flowers
Puya chilensis
Cardón, chagual, chaguol, montera.
Puya chilensis, es una especie botánica terrestre, bromeliácea, originaria de las estribaciones áridas andinas de Chile.
Es una especie perenne que forma rosetas grandes, densas de seudohojas gris verdosas, con márgenes espinosos. Las flores verde amarillentas están en espigas de más de 2 m de altura ( no es raro 35 decímetro), y se asemejan a una maza medieval. Fruto cápsula con semillas aladas.
Se multiplica bien por plántulas; pudiendo colonizar grandes áreas. Crece lentamente, pudiendo tardar veinte años o más en florecer. Las espinas están tan bien montadas apuntando hacia todos los ángulos, y es común que queden atrapadas aves y otros pequeños animales; que, impedidos de escapar, mueren de hambre y sus restos caídos muy cerca dan nutrientes adicionales al cardón.
Puya chilensis, is a terrestrial bromeliad originating from the arid hillsides of Chile. An evergreen perennial it forms large, dense rosettes of grey-green, strap like leaves edged with hooked spines. The green-yellow flowers are born on spikes up to 2 m high and which resemble a medieval mace. Spreading by offsets; over time Puya chilensis can colonise large areas. Growth is slow and plants may take twenty years or more to flower. Leaf spines point inward as well as outward and have been known to trap birds and small animals. Unable to escape the victim dies of starvation and its decaying body then provides additional nutrients to the Puya.
Es una especie perenne que forma rosetas grandes, densas de seudohojas gris verdosas, con márgenes espinosos. Las flores verde amarillentas están en espigas de más de 2 m de altura ( no es raro 35 decímetro), y se asemejan a una maza medieval. Fruto cápsula con semillas aladas.
Se multiplica bien por plántulas; pudiendo colonizar grandes áreas. Crece lentamente, pudiendo tardar veinte años o más en florecer. Las espinas están tan bien montadas apuntando hacia todos los ángulos, y es común que queden atrapadas aves y otros pequeños animales; que, impedidos de escapar, mueren de hambre y sus restos caídos muy cerca dan nutrientes adicionales al cardón.
Puya chilensis, is a terrestrial bromeliad originating from the arid hillsides of Chile. An evergreen perennial it forms large, dense rosettes of grey-green, strap like leaves edged with hooked spines. The green-yellow flowers are born on spikes up to 2 m high and which resemble a medieval mace. Spreading by offsets; over time Puya chilensis can colonise large areas. Growth is slow and plants may take twenty years or more to flower. Leaf spines point inward as well as outward and have been known to trap birds and small animals. Unable to escape the victim dies of starvation and its decaying body then provides additional nutrients to the Puya.
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