Cyclamen persicum

Today's Flowers

Cyclamen persicum creix silvestre en el sud de Turquia occidental, el Hatay i Adana províncies del sud de Turquia, Síria, Líban, Israel, Jordània, l'illa grega de Rodes, Creta i Karpathos, Algèria i Tunísia. No hi ha dubte que les poblacions a través de la Hatay, Síria, Líban, Jordània i Israel són naturals, però hi ha teories que els de les diferents illes i el nord d'Àfrica poden ser plantes que van ser introduïdes per monjos o d'altres ordres religioses, ja que sembla una relació entre aquestes poblacions i monestirs, o almenys els cementiris.

For many others Today's Flowers click here.

11 comentaris:

Coffeedoff ha dit...

So beautiful!

DeniseinVA ha dit...

Beautiful close-ups! Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing them.

Chubskulit Rose ha dit...

beautiful flowers with different variation of colors.

Mine is up too

Nance ha dit...

Cyclamen are so stunning this time of year! I love them because they bloom profusely!

jabblog ha dit...

These are such beautiful cyclamen - it's lovely to see them grouped together but just as wonderful to appreciate them singly.

i beati ha dit...

conjugating a cyclamen

Rechie ha dit...

wow..these are beautiful flowers of different colors..i bet they have different names too...awesome shots

mine is here

SandyCarlson ha dit...

A lovely flower we see around Christmas here.

Light and Voices ha dit...

Your post of Cyclamen is beautiful.

Unknown ha dit...

I love it that cyclamen come in so many pretty shades of pink, coral, mauve, and white

MedaM ha dit...

Ah, pink, red and white cyclamens; how lovely they are. Great photos!