My World Tuesday----Cap Roig, Girona

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7 comentaris:

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers ha dit...

¡Qué bonita, Xavi! Cap Roig parece un pueblo realmente precioso. Me encanta el paisaje de tu segunda foto, y por supuesto esos edificios blancos... Hasta luego,

Marie ha dit...

Lucky you to live in sunlight and as I can imagine a warm temperature. This time of year Sweden is grey, grey and some grey ;-)

Sylvia K ha dit...

What beautiful captures, Xavi! I love them! What a lovely, sunny world you live in!

Have a lovely week!


Catherine ha dit...

looks a beautiful place..

eileeninmd ha dit...

What a lovely place, the landscaping and building all look lovely.

Dorothy ha dit...

Oh so lovely I want to be

Dorothy from grammology

Margarida ha dit...

L'única vegada que he estat als jardins de Cap Roig va ser fa gairebé 30 (!!!!) anys i no hi he tornat. Gràcies per aquest recordatori visual.
