Hook Island, North Queensland, Austràlia

Skywatch Friday

Hook Island és una de les illes Whitsunday a la costa de l'estat australià de Queensland. L'illa està gairebé deshabitada i molt resistent.
L'illa té dues característiques destacades geogràfiques al costat sud de l'illa de Hook, l'Nara i cales Macon, dues fiords com forats que s'utilitzen com a punts d'ancoratge per a la flota turística de Whitsunday.
La costa nord de l'illa és coneguda pel seu colorit de corall submarins, als que són atrets pels amants del busseig i snorkeling.

Hook Island is one of the Whitsunday Islands off the coast of the Australian state of Queensland. The island is almost uninhabited and quite rugged.
The island has two prominent geographical features on the southern side of Hook Island; the Nara and Macona inlets, two fjord-like recesses that are used as anchorages for the Whitsunday tourist fleet.
The island’s northern coast is noted for its colourful underwater coral growths, to which snorkelling and diving enthusiasts are attracted.

16 comentaris:

Ramosforest.Environment ha dit...

Uma linda paisagem.
Un lindo paisaje.
Beautiful view.

Sylvia K ha dit...

Such beautiful skies, Xavi! Marvelous captures. Wishing you a lovely weekend!


Eaglesbrother ha dit...

Great cloud formations over the water.

Rune ha dit...

There were great shots, beautiful clouds, you've got pictures of!

MedaM ha dit...

I can imagine what a wonderful world is hidden under this deep blue water. Beautiful photos!

Shannara ha dit...

That sky goes perfect to the coulor of the sea. Lovely!

Carolyn Ford ha dit...

Those are beautiful skies and water scenes! The sky colors compliment the water colors...lovely captures.

Jim ha dit...

Beautiful varied skies.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Marites ha dit...

love the wter and skies here. I've heard of Hook Island before and it must be very beautiful as well as wild. have a good weekend!

LV ha dit...

I truly enjoyed my one time visit to your lovely country. Your pictures brought back good memories, even though I never saw this pretty place.

Hilda ha dit...

Happy SWF and happy weekend!

Laerte Pupo ha dit...

Olá Xavi,
Belas fotos nesta agradavel ilha
Bom fim de semana.

Arija ha dit...

A great place for islandhopping in a yacht. Hope you are enjoying the sun, surf and prawns on the barbie.

Light and Voices ha dit...

May I ask are you on a ship taking those fantastic sky shots?
Joyce, IL, USA

http://graceolsson.com/blog ha dit...

Never have been in Australia.But, now, I am curious about the country.
great shot

Gena @ Thinking Aloud ha dit...

Excellent Skywatch shots!!
You have a great day!
Gena @ thinking Aloud