Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor, Tibidabo, Barcelona

My World Tuesday

Temple del Sagrat Cor
The Church of de Sacred Heart

17 comentaris:

Dimple ha dit...

Buenos dias! Tengo un poco de Espanol pero nunca de Catalan. Me gusto mucho sus fotograficas. Adios!

Gemma ha dit...

Bon any nou! Que el 2010 sigui un any carregat de bons desitjos i felicitat!

MedaM ha dit...

This series of photos is spectacular. The church looks amazing with its wonderful architectural style and all decorations on its walls. I enlarged every photo. The details are just fantastic.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers ha dit...

Hola de nuevo, Xavi. Es una iglesia bellísima!

Sylvia K ha dit...

I have to agree with MedaM, these are amazing, gorgeous and breathtaking captures! The details are marvelous!

Have a great week, Xavi!


Carver ha dit...

What a beautiful church and great shots.

Anònim ha dit...

Very beautiful church! I remember when I was in Spain, I couldn't believe the architectural style of the churches. I was always amazed at the detail and length of time it took for construction.

Margarida ha dit...

Totes les vegades que he anat al Tibidabo ha estat per anar al parc d'atraccions amb els nens i mai havíem tingut temps per entrar al Temple Expiatori. Sempre m'havia quedat amb ganes de veure'l per dins. Ara tu m'has donat la oportunitat, i me n'alegro, perquè m'he portat una grata sorpresa. Si t'he de dir la veritat mai m'ha agradat el seu aspecte exterior. Com a les persones, el millor està a l'interior!
Que tinguis un Bon Any!

Arija ha dit...

A very beautiful church. Unfortunately ous stay in Barcelona was too short to see it for ourselves, so it is doubly nice to see it here. Thanks.

Samson ha dit...

very beautiful church, nice capture... art work is amazing


eileeninmd ha dit...

It is a beautiful church, your photos are lovely.

Unknown ha dit...

Fantastic pics!

Carrie ha dit...

Beautiful cathedral! Thanks for sharing.

Rinkly Rimes ha dit...

Glorious architecture and lovely murals. I missed-out on Span. That's a regret of mine.

Gena @ thinking aloud ha dit...

What an amazing looking cathedral!!! nice pictures. Gena

Gwendolyn L ha dit...

What a beautiful church - how exciting to be able to photographic this marvelous location. Thanks for sharing.

Catherine ha dit...

great pix - Feliz Ano Nuevo...