Sant Miquel de Cuixà - clica

9 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

That building is beatiful
great shots! :)

Sylvia K ha dit...

Terrific captures of such a beautiful place! Hope you have a great week, Xavi!


Unknown ha dit...

Amazing stonework. The masons who built this did a fine job. I wonder if some of the buildings built today will last so long.

Joe Todd ha dit...

Love the architecture Thanks for sharing

Marie ha dit...

A lovely building. Thanks for sharing so lovely shots.

Catherine ha dit...

beautiful architecture,,,

Randi ha dit...

Amazing photos of a beautiful architecture.

Arija ha dit...

How very, very beautiful! Glorious cloisters and marvellous ancient stonework.

eileeninmd ha dit...

Great shots and a lovely building.