Camellia japonica

Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise, Laerte and Valkyrien

15 comentaris:

EG CameraGirl ha dit...

Beautiful and so profuse!

Pat ha dit...

Gorgeous pink camellias, Xavi! Happy Easter.

Kathy ha dit...

Pink camellias! Such a beautiful Easter specimen.

wenn ha dit...

lovely pink camellia!

Digital Flower Pictures ha dit...

Very pretty flowers. I like how you had all the different pictures of the shrub/tree.

JJ ha dit...

Lovely camillias - mine are very late this year but just breaking into bud.
Your photos are fab

Ruth ha dit...

Oh so lovely! You captured them so beautifully.

Regina ha dit...

Amazingly lovely!
Happy Easter Xavi.

eileeninmd ha dit...

Happy Easter! Gorgeous flowers and color.

Ebie ha dit...

So lovely to see those beautiful pink camellias!

What a great treat to see them!

Happy Easter!

Laerte Pupo ha dit...

Xavi, sua Camella está linda.
Feliz Pascoa.

eden ha dit...

Wow, beautiful blooms. Love camellias. Great shots

DeniseinVA ha dit...

Your Camelia's are perfection Xavi. Thank you so much for sharing them with Today's Flowers. ha dit...

Xavi, dearest

so cute and special shtos..congrats


Anònim ha dit...

Lovely photos in pink, and the flowers are beautifultoo!