Delahaye cars

Weekend Reflections is hosted each weekend by James

16 comentaris:

Malyss ha dit...

Woaw, a real star! so many light and glance!

Regina ha dit...

Love the car. Awesome reflections.

Woody ha dit...

now THAT's a classic car!! Very nice!

Malyss ha dit...

Yes, I was in your city last week!It was a real and great discovery for me!I especially loved all the waterfront and the Barri gotic ..I've kept preciously the rose I got for the Sant Jordi!:)

EG CameraGirl ha dit...

Pretty snazzy! It sparkles, that's for sure!

Johnny Nutcase ha dit...

crazy how shiny it is!

Gemma Wiseman ha dit...

A stunning car both in style and colour! And fascinating reflections!

Nefertiti ha dit...

elle brille de 1000 feux ;O)

Anònim ha dit...

What beautiful sparkling images! Love these photos!

Anònim ha dit...

Excellent! Love that car and the lighting is superb. You captured the essence of this fine automobile.

Sylvia K ha dit...

Wow! what a car indeed! Terrific reflections, Xavi! Hope you have a great weekend!


Joanne ha dit...

Lindo carro! A cor é maravilhosa:)

diane b ha dit...

Thats shiny. I would like it parked in my garage.

James ha dit...

That's an amazing place to capture a reflection. Very cool shots! ha dit...

really a star.congrats, dear

MedaM ha dit...

What a beautiful classic car. Great photos and the light reflections!