DIA EUROPEU DE L’ÒPERA Jornada de Portes obertes al Liceu

European Day of the Opera.
Open day at the Liceu of Barcelona.

Avui amb motiu del Dia Europeu de l’Òpera, el Liceu organitza una jornada de portes obertes.

Today on the occasion of European Day of the Opera, the Liceu organizes open day.

5 comentaris:

DeniseinVA ha dit...

Hi Xavi, thank you so much for stopping by and wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. So kind of you my friend. Your photos of the Opera house are fantastic! A spectacular place indeed.

josep ha dit...

Una visita interessant. La visita al Cercle del Liceu amb els quadres de Ramón Cases m'hauria agradat ja que no he estat mai. Ja veig que la cosa ha estat animada i concorreguda.
Una abraçada

Maria ha dit...

Thank you for your visit on my blog! I looked through your last posts - great! I liked the pictres of the handcatchief tree- I saw this tree for the first time in our botanical garden in Vienna. What an amazing tree! Have a nice week!
Fantastic photos of the opera house!

diane b ha dit...

What a great idea. The building is splendid.

Turid Holm Flaa ha dit...

Beautiful pictures of the opera. Thank you have visited my blog. Lots of greetings Turid