Les Halles, Narbonne, França

Weekend Reflections is hosted each weekend by James

10 comentaris:

Malyss ha dit...

The frame is as beautyful as the view inside!and so clear! great shot!

Sylvia K ha dit...

Wow! what magnificent reflections, Xavi! Fantastic captures! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Cezar and Léia ha dit...

Thanks so much for introducing this beautiful city!I'm enchanted, great reflections shots!
Happy weekend reflections
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Carolyn Ford ha dit...

Wow, what gorgeous windows and reflections to match. These are really eye-catching!

Anònim ha dit...

When I enlarged these photos I darn near fell off my chair. Exquisite!!! Magnificent!!! The details are wonderful!

Miguel Martinez Martinez ha dit...

Wow, Weautiful captures.

JO ha dit...

amazing reflections! I love it.

Mine's up. Happy weekend!

diane b ha dit...

Fabulous building and reflections.

Unseen India Tours ha dit...

Beautiful,lovely and nice reflections !!I really enjoyed the post !!

Beth Niquette ha dit...

I love the way these windows frame the reflection. Wonderful photos!