Lupinus cvs.

Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise,Laerte and Sandy.

11 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Xavi, very nice shtos, dearest
I was thought of u, last night..during the EUROVISION...



Quel élan de vie se dégage de ces fleurs de lupin. Leurs formes, leurs couleurs "joyeuses et acide" font penser à une fête, un défilé auquel on aurait tout naturellement envie de se joindre.
Très belle série de photos;


eileeninmd ha dit...

Wow, the colors are fantastic! Great photos of the Lupinus.

EG CameraGirl ha dit...

The lupines are spectacular grown in a mix of colours! My neighbour used to grow them like this but, unfortunately, a worm attacked the plants and so my neighbours stopped planting them.

jabblog ha dit...

Lovely lupins - I wish I could grow them but I'm never successful ;-(

Carver ha dit...

The lupins are fantastic. Great shots.

Pat ha dit...

I've never seen so many different colors of lupine. Gorgeous!

Rajesh ha dit...

Beautiful flowers. Amazing colors.

Carolyn Ford ha dit...

Those ARE BEAUTIFUL flowers are growing together in amazing colors. Wow, what a feast for the eyes and lens!

MedaM ha dit...

Absolutely beautiful flowers. I love this interesting shape and the mix of colors. My grandmother grew lupinus in her garden long ago, when I was a little girl so this wonderful series of photos brought back me into the past.

Arija ha dit...

Inspirational mass planting, like trees in a forest. Splendid colours.