Today's Flowers

Thanks to Mr. Luiz Santilli for inviting me to be a guest friend on Today’s Flowers site. I am also thankful to Denise, Sandy and Laerte of his team for this beautiful meme. I am very glad and honored to be a part of this friendly meme, full of plants and flowers .

Sarracenia spp.

Sarracenia és un gènere de plantes amb flors que comprèn de 8 a 11 espècies de plantes carnívores natives d'Amèrica del Nord. El gènere pertany a la família Sarraceniaceae, que també conté els gèneres Darlingtonia i Heliamphora.
Sarracenia són plantes carnívores indígenes de l'est de Texas, àrea dels Grans Llacs i sud-est del Canadà, amb la majoria creixent al sud-est dels Estats Units (només S. purpurea neix en regions amb temperatures temperades). Les fulles de les plantes formen un túnel per atrapar insectes i produeixen enzims per digerir la seva presa. Els insectes són atrets per la secreció de nèctar i una combinació d'olors i colors.

Sarracenia is a genus comprising 8 to 11 species of North American pitcher plants. The genus belongs to the family Sarraceniaceae, which also contain the closely allied genera Darlingtonia and Heliamphora.
Sarracenia is a genus of carnivorous plants indigenous to the eastern seaboard, Texas, the Great Lakes area and southeastern Canada, with most species occurring only in the south-east United States (only S. purpurea occurs in cold-temperate regions). The plant's leaves have evolved into a funnel in order to trap insects, digesting their prey with proteases and other enzymes.
The insects are attracted by a nectar-like secretion on the lip of pitchers, as well as a combination of color and scent. Slippery footing at the pitchers' rim, aided in at least one species by a narcotic drug lacing the nectar, causes insects to fall inside, where they die and are digested by the plant as a nutrient source.

Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise,Laerte and Sandy.

28 comentaris:

DeniseinVA ha dit...

Thank you Xavi for being our Guest Friend. Thank you also for these fantastic flowers, so very interesting - I have only ever seen photos of them. Yours are magnificent. Have a great week.

Juliana ha dit...

Wow...beautiful. 1st shot is my fav.

My entry this week : in HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks

Eng ha dit...

one word...beautiful!

Inday ha dit...

I have never seen some of the variety you display here. Congratulations for being our Guest Friend today.

Flower Memes ha dit...

XAVI, how are u?
Excellent shots, dear

love it also the header of your blog

JJ ha dit...

Wonderful flowers - so cleverly asdapted.
Thankns for all the info too

Maude Lynn ha dit...

What awesome pictures! I don't think that I've ever seen these flowers before.

Carletta's Captures ha dit...

Your gazanias on the guest page are beautiful but these pitcher plant images are very unique. Love the texture in the first one!

Carver ha dit...

Wonderful shots of the pitcher plants and I also love the flowers you posted as guest host. Beautiful and interesting post. I enjoyed learning more about the plants on this post.

lotusleaf ha dit...

Fantastic flowers! I have never seen them, except in pictures. Your photographs are so striking!

Misty DawnS ha dit...

Thank you for teaching me about these plants. I knew nothing about them, and learned a lot from your post.

April ha dit...

Wonderful photos of a very interesting and beautiful plant! Also gorgeous flowers on the guest page!

Pat's Addition ha dit...

I never knew there were so many varieties. Lovely to behold if you're not a fly! Lve the white bleeding hearts in yr last post also.

i beati ha dit...

so fascinating - never saw that many at once and wow what color!!sandy

Dani ha dit...

wow!!! haven't seen this kind of flower! so beautiful!

Have a flower day!

Ramosforest.Environment ha dit...

Beautiful garden and shots.
Luiz Ramos

Kim, USA ha dit...

You have very unique flowers and I am impressed it's gorgeous! Happy Sunday!

Yellow Hollyhock

jabblog ha dit...

These pitcher plants are stunning! I didn't know they came in such a range of colours - I love the pink-purple ones. I really like your Guest Friend flowers too - very striking :-)

Luiz Santilli Jr ha dit...


Wonderful series of flowers!
Thanks for posting on TODAY'S FLOWERS every week!
Have a nice week

Leora ha dit...

Fascinating foliage and flowers! How sculptural.

Regina ha dit...

Hello Xavi. Congrats! They are all succulent and very lovely.
Thank you for sahring
Have nice day.

" Regina "

vincibene ha dit...

Wonderful and interesting series!

Average Girl ha dit...


Rosamaria ha dit...

cordwrinFlowers posted at TF are magnificent! These here I had never seen before.
Congratulations for being a guest friend today. You made very well.
Have a great week, dear!

Mª Zélia ha dit...

Que lindas Gazânias na página do convidado da semana! Suas cores são fantásticas! Também fiquei encantada com o jardim das canívoras, exótico e fascinante!

Ebie ha dit...

Congratulations for being featured in TF.

I love your tubular plants and I have not seen them ever.

Nice photos.

Today's Flowers

Halcyon ha dit...

Such beautiful plants and flowers. Love your guest shots on Today's Flowers as well.

Renaissance ha dit...

These are amazing, I cam over from Todays Flowers