My World Tuesday, Season 2, Episode 47

La Mesquita de Còrdova
The Mosque of Cordoba

12 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

A beautiful place Xavi.
I would love to visit it some time and witness the beauty myself.
Till then .. i ll have to look at your wonderful photographs.

Marta ha dit...

Que bonica que es a mi m'agradaria anar a la de Granada, unes fotos excel·lents.

Sylvia K ha dit...

What a gorgeous place, Xavi! And your photos are superb as always -- the next best thing to being there! Have a wonderful week!


Anònim ha dit...

It's such an amazingly beautiful place. I can still remember its beauty - even after 25 years!

EG CameraGirl ha dit...

Wow! This mosque is magnificent!

Marta ha dit...

Hola Xavi, mira el Crome amb Windows 7, no veig moltes imatges y el fairefox abans no s'hem obre hem faig vella i el clico tres vegades( es que soc una impacient) i llavors tinc tres finestres obertes.Hem sembla que tornaré al fairefox.Que tingui molt bona setmana.Petons.

Carolyn Ford ha dit...

What a beautiful set of photos! A photo opportunity no matter which way you turn!

Anònim ha dit...

Looks like a place where time runs at a different pace. Great pictures indeed.

daily athens

Indrani ha dit...

Beautiful interiors! Grand works!

Rajesh ha dit...

Beautiful. Very unique architecture for a mosque.

Arija ha dit...

A very beautiful mosque and even better photos.

BraCom ha dit...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos

Have a nice week,
Greetings, Bram

My Word Tuesday post

Seen on My World Tuesday