Today's Flowers Flamboyant - Flamboyant tree

Delonix regia
Synonyms:Poinciana regia Hook.
Delonix regia var. flavida Stehle

Thanks to the hosting team of Luiz, Denise,Laerte and Sandy.

9 comentaris:

EG CameraGirl ha dit...

The blossoms are such a delightful Vibrant red. Now I'm going to check the Internet for more information about this tree, which I have never heard of before.

Carver ha dit...

What a brilliant red and beautiful flower. Great shots.

Anònim ha dit...

oh Xavi, how is your New Year, dearest?
I wish is being so good
great and passionate shot
nice day

lazyclick ha dit...

Beautiful shots.

Randi ha dit...

Wow...these blossoms are like a fire...gorgeous colours!

Chubskulit Rose ha dit...

So pretty!

My Flower entry, have a blessed Sunday!

Modern Mom ha dit...

What a beautiful and showy flower.

My entry.

Marta ha dit...

Sembla mentida que hi pugui haver tantes flors i cada una amb la seva bellesa, a mi m'encanten ¡les de color vermell i aquesta es de ho mes bonic que vist fa temps. Que tinguis bona setmana Xevi.

Arija ha dit...

Spectacular colour!