We are under a complete snow cover and expecting more today, and I have no flowering houseplants so no GBBD for me. I can enjoy all the Southern Hemisphere and California participants and yours too.
aloha xavi,i remember the first time your posted these exciting trees, i couldn't remember if they were part of the euycalptis species?
Beautiful blooms Xavi.Costas
Aquesta espècie crec que no la he vista i si la he vista no me'n recordo, molt bonica.
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We are under a complete snow cover and expecting more today, and I have no flowering houseplants so no GBBD for me. I can enjoy all the Southern Hemisphere and California participants and yours too.
aloha xavi,
i remember the first time your posted these exciting trees, i couldn't remember if they were part of the euycalptis species?
Beautiful blooms Xavi.
Aquesta espècie crec que no la he vista i si la he vista no me'n recordo, molt bonica.
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