Bromeliaceae Bromeliads

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Floral Love

12 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

Beautiful! Many of these have beautiful leaves even without the flowers.

Judy ha dit...

I have never seen a pink one before!!! I love it, but my favourite is the pink and purple!!!

Susie Clevenger ha dit...

Each photo is exquisite!

Jama ha dit...

stunning collections!

Anònim ha dit...

Love every picture!!

Nicki ha dit...

These are gorgeous.

moni ha dit...

Hello Xavi,
amazing blossoms, wonderful pictures!
Wish you a nice weekend,

Mona's Picturesque ha dit...

All gorgeous but the last one is ringing in my heart :) thanks dear!

Our photos ha dit...

Beautiful photos!

Carver ha dit...

Gorgeous sequence of flowers.

Karen ha dit...

Another remarkable series!

DeniseinVA ha dit...

Thank you Xavi, your Bromeliaceae Bromeliads are stunning!